Photo of Jordi Folck Spain

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My first photography take ten years. My first year of introduction of photography reach 14 and was the little ones of a large group of adults. Haba a lab at school and allpositivmis first frames. Dejde never shoot but the process of developing and printing abandonmi hometown quedpostergado when access to the university. It was not twenty-five years later, in 2002 that volva resume my studies in photography. It was strange,...

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Photo of Jordi Folck Spain

My first photography take ten years. My first year of introduction of photography reach 14 and was the little ones of a large group of adults. Haba a lab at school and allpositivmis first frames. Dejde never shoot but the process of developing and printing abandonmi hometown quedpostergado when access to the university. It was not twenty-five years later, in 2002 that volva resume my studies in photography. It was strange, returning from a tourist trip to Prague: the summer of 2002 llovisin stop, as happened in history as the year of the floods that inundated central Europe. Seems to have returned time and enemy trenches waiting for the final attack: long rows of sandbags to hold water is available at the foot of Charles Bridge in the capital of the Czech Republic. After overcoming the roadblocks to show my card got journalist some good photographs at six in the morning of the day of my return. Visitun newspaper with national circulation in Barcelona, where I live, where I promised to publish my photographs if redelivered positivism the same day. In August, closed laboratories in the afternoons. I had no choice but to accept to be returned to me the next morning but Haban Grficas agencies provided similar images. I told myself that jams reapplied accept those games destination. A month later began a photographic laboratory course and after lighting, medium format, portrait, advanced laboratory techniques in the year 2003 was riding my own lab at home and in September opened my first traveling exhibition in b / n in Barcelona with the support of the Embassy of the Czech Republic called Prague, all the beauty of the world with texts by Jaroslav Seifert (Nobel Prize for Literature), Kundera, Manuel V Vazquez Montalban, Angelo Ripellino among many other European writers. In June 2006 presentarmi exhibition Casablanca, play it again in Casablanca AFTER viajarpor various Spanish capital. For 2007 prepared an exhibition on male portraits under the Privacy and claim my soad Cities. I posted my photographs in b / n in various journals, especially in the present quarterly magazine Puzzle where my own work in a section called World Cities. Photography is writing with light but it is not my only writing. Since 1990, publishes books for children and young people, I won several literary prizes since last year abandon the world of advertising, my activities are writing techniques and photography. They are twelve and four published books and exhibitions. And more than 3000 negatives of my travels. My teachers of light: Cartier Bresson, Robert Doisneau, Helmut Newton .. My teachers of letters: Gianni Rodari, Michael Ende, Roald Dahl but especially Charles Dickens.

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